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刘志国 副研究员


















  1. ZjMAPK2磷酸化激活ZjRAD23C/D介导枣树提高枣疯病抗性的分子机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2025~2028,项目主持人。

  2. 优质高端鲜枣亚周年供应技术研发与集成示范,中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(科技创新基地项目)2024~2026,项目主持人。

  3. ZjMAPK2 启动子插入变异介导枣树抵御枣疯病的分子机制,河北省自然科学基金面上项目,2024~2026,项目主持人。

  4. 河北省红枣产业专家支撑团队项目(红枣一组),河北省林果花卉产业专家支撑团队项目,2024,项目主持人。

  5. 枣良种标准化和智能化快繁技术研发与集成,国家重点研发计划子课题,2019~2022,项目主持人。

  6. MAPK 级联途径调控枣树抗枣疯病机制研究,河北省自然基金面上项目,2020~2022,项目主持人。

  7. 枣MAPK基因家族的鉴定分析及其与枣疯病抗性的关系河北省自然基金青年基金,2016~2018,项目主持人。

  8. 国家桃产业技术体系岗位科学家任务书—枣栽培技术,中华人民共和国农业农村部,2021~2025,排名第二。

  9. E类MADS-box基因在枣花和果实发育中的分子调控机制国家自然基金委,2018~2021,排名第三。

  10. 枣优质轻简高效栽培技术集成与示范,国家重点研发计划子课题,2020~2022,排名第二。

  11. 山区阶梯式日光温室鲜枣智能高效栽培技术研发与集成示范,河北省中央引导地方科技发展资金项目,2020~2021,排名第二。

  12. 河北省枣产业技术研究院运行绩效后补助经费,河北省科学技术厅,2018~2019,排名第二。

  13. 枣产业科技成果转化应用,河北省科学技术厅,2016~2017,排名第三。

  14. 枣树快速育种技术研究及种质创新,河北省科学技术厅,2016~2020,排名第三。

  15. 河北省经济林产业技术支撑体系项目,河北省林业和草原局,2022~2023,排名第二。

  16. 枣树优良新品种‘雨娇’和‘赞硕’示范推广,河北省林业和草原局,2016~2018,排名第四。


  1. 枣全基因组测序及其应用,河北省人民政府,河北省自然科学一等奖,2017,排名第五。

  2. 枣全基因组解析及重要性状形成机制,国家林业和草原局,梁希林业科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖,2019,排名第三。

  3. 枣重大病害缩果病四位一体高效防控技术,国家林业和草原局,梁希科学技术奖科技进步奖二等奖,2023,排名第四。

  4. 枣新品种选育与产业化关键技术创新及应用,山东省科学技术二等奖,2021,排名第六。

  5. 枣资源营养评价及其精深加工增值技术,河北省科技进步二等奖,2019,排名第七。


  1. 赞硕,河北省审定,排名第三。

  2. 虹光,河北省审定,排名第四。

  3. 雨虹,河北省审定,排名第四。

  4. 雨珠,河北省审定,排名第五。


  1. 枣优质丰产栽培技术规程,中华人民共和国林业行业标准,排名第二。


  1. Yunjie Wang, Zhi Luo, Xuan Zhao, Hongqiang Sun, Jiaxin Liu, Dongfeng Zhang, Haonan Cao, Changfeng Ai, Lihu Wang, Li Dai, Mengjun Liu, Lixin Wang, Zhiguo Liu (通讯作者). Mechanism of zju-miR156c-mediated network in regulating witches' broom symptom of Chinese jujube. Mol Plant Pathol. 2024;25:e70031. SCI,一区TOP

  2. Zhiguo Liu(第一作者), Ye Yuan, Lili Wang, Xuan Zhao, Lixin Wang, Lihu Wang, Zhihui Zhao, Xin Zhao, Yuetong Chu, Yaning Gao, Fangyuan Yang, Yulu Wang, Qiong Zhang, Jin Zhao, and Mengjun Liu. Three Novel Adenylate Cyclase Genes Show Significant Biological Functions in Plant. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.2c07683.SCI,一区TOP

  3. WANG Li-xin, WANG Lin-xia, ZHANG Meng-ling, QU Ying-yue, YUAN Ye, Ehsan SADEGHNEZHAD, GAO Meng-jiao, ZHAO Ruo-yu, QI Chao-feng, GUO Xiao-xue, ZHU Wen-hui, LI Rui-mei, DAI Li, LIU Meng-jun, LIU Zhi-guo (通讯作者). A cyclic effect of cAMP and calcium signaling contributes to jujube growth and development. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2023, 22(7): 2094–2110. SCI,一区TOP

  4. Lixin Wang, Zhiguo Liu (第一作者), Shoukun Han, Ping Liu, Ehsan Sadeghnezhad, Mengjun Liu. Growth or survival: What is the role of calmodulin-like proteins in plant? International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.124733. SCI,一区TOP

  5. Yunjie Wang, Zhi Luo, Xuan Zhao, Haonan Cao, Lihu Wang, Shiyan Liu, Chenyu Wang, WangWang, Mengjun Liu, Lixin Wang, Zhiguo Liu (通讯作者). Superstar microRNA, miR156, involved in plant biological processes and stress response: A review. Scientia Horticulturae. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2023.112010. SCI,二区TOP

  6. Wang, LX; Liu, SY; Gao, MJ; Wang, LH; Wang, LX; Wang, YJ; Dai, L; Zhao, J; Liu, MJ; Liu, ZG (通讯作者). The Crosstalk of the Salicylic Acid and Jasmonic Acid Signaling Pathways Contributed to Different Resistance to Phytoplasma Infection Between the Two Genotypes in Chinese Jujube. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 2022. 13, 800762.SCI,二区TOP

  7. Muhammad, N., Luo, Z., Yang, M., Li, X. S., Liu, Z. G. (共同通讯), Liu, M. J. The joint role of the late anthocyanin biosynthetic ufgt-encoding genes in the flowers and fruits coloration of horticultural plants. Scientia Horticulturae. 2022. 301, 111110.SCI,二区TOP

  8. Noor Muhammad, Zhi Luo, Meng Yang, Zhiguo Liu (共同通讯), Mengjun Liu. The underlying molecular mechanisms of external factors influencing fruit coloration in fruit trees. Scientia Horticulturae. 2022. 309 (2023): 111615.SCI,二区TOP

  9. Ye Yuan, Zhiguo Liu (共同一作), Lili Wang, Lixin Wang, Shuangjiang Chen, Yahong Niu, Xin Zhao, Ping Liu,  Mengjun Liu. Two triphosphate tunnel metalloenzymes from apple exhibit adenylyl cyclase activity. Front. Plant Sci. 2022. 13:992488. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.992488.SCI,二区TOP

  10. Zhiguo Liu (第一作者), Lixin Wang, Chaoling Xue, Yuetong Chu, Weilin Gao, Yitong Zhao, Jin Zhao, Mengjun Liu. Genome-wide identification of MAPKKK genes and their responses to phytoplasma infection in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). BMC Genomics. 2020. 21:142. SCI,二区)

  11. Chaoling X , Zhiguo L (共同一作) , et al. The antioxidant defense system in Chinese jujube is triggered to cope with phytoplasma invasion. Tree Physiology. 2020. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpaa067. SCI,一区TOP

  12. Liu Z (第一作者), et al. Three Main Genes in the MAPK Cascade Involved in the Chinese Jujube-Phytoplasma Interaction. Forests. 2019. 10: 392. SCI,二区)

  13. Xue C, Liu Z (共同一作), Dai L, et al. Changing host photosynthetic, carbohydrate and energy metabolisms play important roles in phytoplasma infection. Phytopathology. 2018. 108(9): 1067-1077. SCI,二区)

  14. Liu Z (第一作者), Zhang L, Xue C, et al. Genome-wide identification and analysis of MAPK and MAPKK gene family in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). Bmc Genomics. 2017. 18(1):855. SCI,二区)

  15. Noor Muhammad, Zhi Luo, Meng Yang, Zhiguo Liu (共同通讯), Mengjun Liu. The Nutritional, Medicinal, and Drought-Resistance Properties of Ziziphus Mill. Make It an Important Candidate for Alleviating Food Insecurity in arid RegionsA Case of Pakistan. Horticulturae. 2022. 8, 867. SCI,三区)

  16. Liu Z (第一作者), Zhao J, Liu M. Photosynthetic responses to phytoplasma infection in Chinese jujube. Plant Physiology & Biochemistry. 2016. 105:12-20. SCI,三区)

  17. Liu Z G (第一作者), Wang Y, Xiao J, et al. Identification of genes associated with phytoplasma resistance through suppressive subtraction hybridization in Chinese jujube. Physiological & Molecular Plant Pathology. 2014. 86:43-48. SCI,三区)

  18. Fenfen Yan, Zhiguo Liu (第一作者), Mengjun Liu, Xingjuan Zheng, Zhi Luo, Jiurui Wang. Creation of Large Hybrid Populations Using Male-sterile Germplasm as the Female Parent in Jujube. HORTSCIENCE, 2018, 53(5): 609-612.SCI,四区)

  19. 王晨雨, 刘孟军, 王立新, 刘志国 (共同通讯), CRISPR/Cas9 技术研究进展及其在园艺植物中的应用进展. 园艺学报, 2024, 51 (7): 1439~1454.

  20. 袁野, 赵馨, 李佳敏, 刘志国 (共同通讯), 刘孟军. 植物腺苷酸环化酶研究进展. 农业生物技术学报, 2022, 30(11): 2212~2223.

  21. 刘志国 (第一作者), 卢艳清, 赵锦,. 枣果吸水动力学和果皮特征对裂果的影响. 植物遗传资源学报, 2015, 16(1):192-198. (一级学报)

  22. 刘志国 (第一作者), 宋韬亮, 孙芝梅, . 太行山区鲜食枣日光温室促成栽培技术研究. 中国果树, 2017, (6): 51-53. (核心期刊)

  23. Jin Zhao, Zhiguo Liu, Mengjun Liu. The Resistance of Jujube Trees to Jujube Witches’ Broom Disease in China, Sustainable Management of Phytoplasma Diseases in Crops Grown in the Tropical Belt [M]. Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019. (论著)


  1. 2016年,中华人民共和国科学技术部枣产业科技创新团队,核心成员。

  2. 2015年,中华人民共和国农业农村部枣产业科技创新团队,核心成员。






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